Tuesday, May 14, 2019


kittens are hardly to be care rather than the adults one. It becomes more difficult when the kitten lost their mother. They only depends on their mummy’s milk to keep alive. Here’s my experience on taking care a kitten which is lost their mum.
Firstly, this incident happen on my best friend birthday which is 2nd June 2018 on Ramadan month. That day is a holiday since it was Nuzul Qur’an. So I got the name for the kitten as Nuzul :))
I was riding my motorcycle from campus to go back to hostel back then I saw a kitten fall from a car when the car is undertake me. Seems so dangerous but feels pity for the kitten at the road. I take the kitten to my hostel and started to taking care of the kitten since I’m blur what to do. Thanks to Allah, my housemate know a bit about how to feed a kitten. She teach me to take a tissue and put some water to feed the kitten. Since the kitten can open their eyes, I try to find a bottle for easy the feeding. Luckily, Nuzul like it and seems funny when Nuzul like to bite the bottle’s nipple until its broken >.<
I’m so happy since Nuzul bumped into my life. My friends also like to ask me how was Nuzul do. But, I only have one week to be with Nuzul. Midsem break was begin and I have to go back to my hometown in Penang. I give Nuzul to my friend since she stay in Kelantan. Thanks Allah for giving me a such very good contact in hostel ❤
My friend always send me a picture of Nuzul and doing story about Nuzul to let me know whats Nuzul condition. The sad part begin when my friend told me that Nuzul look weak suddenly without any sign before. Nuzul started to sleep more than being active, I feel so sad and about 8 hours with that way, Nuzul passed away. I never wronged my friend, she was very kind since she offered to take care of Nuzul for me. I thought that Nuzul was sick when Nuzul fall from the car. That was my fault for not borrowing it to the vet before brought Nuzul to hostel :((
It was a great experience for me I think making love between animals makes the heart more peace.

Scratch Area

Cats have certain places to be cared for: 

Safe spot: between ear loops

The area is somewhat safe when it comes to scratching, usually most cats will give up and close their eyes. 

Fairly safe spot: Rear body and tail 

This place is somewhat safe to s, but stroke slowly and finish the tail behind the tail. if the cat is pregnant it may be that he does not like the back of the adjacent tail. 

Sensitive spot: Stomach area 

Cats are most vulnerable in the tummy area, so if she pointed her belly on you, that means she believes close to you, do not let you point your tummy back to her! LOL

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Assalamualaikum. pertama sekali nak ucap alhamdulillah tak sangka dapat on balik blog ni since 2014 lagi last huhu. oh ya,FAYAQ. ni shortform yang menggabungkan semua huruf depan roommates aku dekat universiti ni. Fad,Ateng,Yaya,Ain dan kak Qila. sejak sept2016 lagi sebilik dan dah sebulu pun. setahun kenal, macam-macam dah kitorang buat. travelling, hiking, jogging dan semua la. boleh kata dah macam family kedua. 

Tapi bila nak masuk semester ketiga ni, kena duduk asrama luar. so boleh ajak kumpul housemate seramai 10 orang. Silap kitorg jugak tak cari awal awal then dah habis studyweek ramai dah cukup and kitorg masih belum cukup. penat cari tapi takda respond. Cadangnya nak duduk rumah sewa tp aku belum ada simpanan lagi, kalau bole taknak susahkan mak abah. nak tak nak keputusan kita kena berpecah, 3/2. sedih sangat. daripada sebilik yang penuh gurau senda termasuk bash dan kecaman, nanti sunyi tanpa mereka. belum pun masuk semester tiga seakan terasa semua tu. 

i'm sorry guys maybe keputusan aku tak dapat menyewa buat korang terpaksa redha dgn keputusan ni. harap persahabatan ni kekal sampai bila bila. faham sgt kalau dah tak sebilik mesti banyak rahsia yang tak dpt dikongsi, bila jumpa tak tahu nak cakap apa :'( 

gonna miss you guys, belajar baik baik ya. juga jangan berubah, nanti kalau duduk sekali balik harap FAYAQ is the same FAYAQ in 2016/17. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


assalamualaikum, apa khabar? harap semuanya sihat. tengok la apa yg latest aku post. hahaha, serius aku takdak masa nak update. bukan apa, lepas SPM hari tu terus aku g cari keja. aku tak betah la duk rumah lama-lama. kalau aku kerja, duit masyuk, kalau duk rumah aku banyak tido lepas tu aku layan cerita korea. tambah pulak masa lapang punya banyak, memang banyak la masa aku layan SBS World (395) tu. back to the point, kerja pertama yg aku mohon ialah kerja di kilang silitech. aku kerja dari 9.12.13 hingga 6.1.14. dapat la dalam rm500 lebih. aku berhenti pun bersebab. lepas tu aku cari kerja lagi, aku dapat pulak kerja packing sayur kt sebuah kebun sayur ni. dekat sikit dengan rumah, jadi waktu rehat aku boleh balik rumah, malas aku nak bawak bekal. tapi aku terpaksa berhenti sebab aku alergik suhu sejuk. kena pulak sayur kan basah. 2 minggu ja aku kerja situ. tangan mengelupas teruk. malam hari yg aku berhenti kerja tu, aku g farmasi nak amik ubat utk tangan aku yg mengelupas tu. tiba-tiba, akak farmasi tu cakap ' kalau dah tahan sejuk, kenapa g kerja jugak dekat situ..nak x kerja dkt sini? kebetulan bos nak pakai pekerja part time..' aku kemain seronok la dengar berita tu. terus aku setuju dan tinggalkan no telefon. sehari lepas tu, dapat mesej aku perlu ditemuduga pd 4.2.14 pd pukul 9 malam dekat farmasi tu. Alhamdulillah, hangpa doakan aku dapat ya kerja tu. Amin...